A Journey in the Fog

Group Exhibition / A Journey in the Fog

Opening: 17/03/2017   Closing: 30/04/2017

A Journey in the Fog, Installation view, Noga Gallery, 2017
A Journey in the Fog, Installation view, Noga Gallery, 2017
A Journey in the Fog, Installation view, Noga Gallery, 2017
A Journey in the Fog, Installation view, Noga Gallery, 2017
Alexandra Zuckerman, House number seven,Pencil on paper, 59x42cm, 2012
Amikam Toren, From Artchair paintings series,Achtungoil on canvas,80x60cm,2005
Matan Ben Tolila, Bridge,Oil on canvas, 78x71cm, 2016
Tal Mazliach, It keeps growing all the time, oil on wood,45x31cm, 1995
Ori Gersht, Galicia, c-print, 120x150cm, 2005
Keren Cytter, A quoet, marker on paper, 98x115cm, 2007
Talia Keinan, Opera house, collagem black goash and oil paint, 50.5x50.5cm, 2011
Marilou Levin, Omama, Oil on wood,85x70cm,2002
Talia Keinan, Untited,pencil on paper,40x30cm

Group Exhibition: Gilad Efrat | Ori Gersht | Dror Daum | Marilou Levin |  Tal Mazliach | Jossef Krispel | Elinor Carucci | Amikam Toren | Talia Keinan | Alexandra Zuckerman

The exhibition “Journey in the Fog” comprises images in which reality and hallucination mix with one another. Each piece hold a part of the journey’s complexity. The images are restrained and reserved, possessing a quiet inner force, some are shrouded in fog that traps them. Wishing to find meaning and a foothold in enigmatic landscapes that hold a hidden drama, whose presence is nevertheless palpable in every image. The journey itself is a symbolic one into the unknown and the unfamiliar, in which the epic and intimate, harshness and tenderness are intertwined.