Group Exhibition / Landscape – Place, Non Place

Opening: 30/10/2003   Closing: 29/11/2003

Roi Kuper , Untitled, Color print , 80x80cm , 2003
Mosh Kashi, Purple, Oil on canvas, 80x80cm, 2003
Ori Gersht ,Some place, C print ,100x80cm 2003
Orly Maiberg ,Untitled , Oil on canvas, 96x145cm, 2003
Gilad Efrat, Rujum Miri ,Oil on linen, 75x120cm, 1998
Maya Schindler , From Teletabies Series, Mixed Media on Paper ,72x52cm, 2002

Landscape – Place, Non Place.




Ori Gersht
Roi Kuper
Gilad Efrat
Mosh Kashi
Orly Maiberg
Maya Schindler
Smadar Eliasaf
Hila lulu Lin


The term of “Place” contains an ambiguity. It refers both to the perception of the place and to a representation of it. This can be an actual place or a non-place The works all confront questions of the gaze, the language. It includes painting, photography, and video. The artists carry on a complex mutual relationship with the geographical, cultural, and ideological surroundings.


Touching on local myths, history, and culture, they discuss questions of land and territory, growth and stillness, nature without humankind. At times the gaze examines the surface from close-up, or takes a view from far away, as in aerial photography. At times it is the seemingly simple gaze of direct photography, touching the banal or imagined to describe the obvious, at others, the artists define visual and mental dialectic images from within the layered thought processes that provide a wide range of conceptual meanings.